Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (115)
- Ambrosi Zaiontz C., Arduini A., Bova A., Buren D., Fungi G. (In uscita) Enhancing Patients' Empowerment through the Administration of a Transcultural Clinical Protocol
- Guldin R. (In uscita) The (Un)translatability of Cultures
- Greco S., Mercuri C., De Cock B., Schaer R. (2023) Arguing through best practice: The role of argumentation from example in activists’ social media posts on sustainable fashion
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Jacquin J. (2023) Epistemic and evidential markers in contexts of disagreement
- Palmieri R., Mercuri C., Mazzali Lurati S. (2022) Persuasive reasons in crowdfunding campaigns: Comparing argumentative strategies in successful and unsuccessful projects on Kickstarter
- Greco S., Cigada S., Jermini C. (2022) The naming of emotions in dispute mediators’ strategic manoeuvring: A case study using a French language corpus.
- Greco S. (2022) Twitter activists’ argumentation through subdiscussions: Theory, method and illustration of the controversy surrounding sustainable fashion.
- Greco S., Jermini C. (2021) Mediators’ reframing as a constitutive element of a reconciliatory argumentative style
- Greco S., Mercuri C., De Cock B. (2021) Victims or agents for change? Representations and self-representations of women in the social media debate surrounding sustainable fashion
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2020) At the juncture between evidentiality and argumentation: evidential verb complementation
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Dialogical Power Negotiations in Conflict Mediation
- Andone C., Lomelí Hernández J. (2019) Scientific arguments in policy-making
- Schaer R., Greco S. (2018) The Emergence of Issues in Everyday Discussions between Adults and Children
- Greco S., Schaer R., Pollaroli C., Mercuri C. (2018) Adding a temporal dimension to the analysis of argumentative discourse: justified reframing as a means of turning a single-issue discussion into a complex argumentative discussion
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C., De Ascaniis S. (2018) Multimodality and Argumentation in Online Visit Recommendations. An Action-centered Analysis
- Rocci A., Pollaroli C. (2018) Introduction
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2018) The Analysis of Implicit Premises within Children’s Argumentative Inferences
- Wildfeuer J., Pollaroli C. (2018) When context changes. The need for a dynamic notion of context in multimodal argumentation
- Andone C., Greco S. (2018) Evading the burden of proof in European Union soft law instruments: The case of Commission recommendations
- Greco S., Schaer R., Pollaroli C., Mercuri C. (2018) Adding a temporal dimension to the analysis of argumentative discourse: justified reframing as a means of turning a single-issue discussion into a complex argumentative discussion
- Greco S. (2018) Designing dialogue: Argumentation as conflict management in social interaction
- Lombardi E., Greco S., Massaro D., Schaer R., Manzi F., Iannaccone A., Perret-Clermont A., Marchetti A. (2018) Does a good argument make a good answer? Argumentative reconstruction of children's justifications in a second order false belief task
- Greco S. (2018) The role of family relationships in migration decisions: a reconstruction based on implicit starting points in migrants' justifications
- Schaer R. (2018) On the negotiation of the issue in discussions among young children and their parents
- Rocci A., Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2018) The argumentative and rhetorical relevance of multimodal metonymy
- Raimondo C., Bajo E. (2017) Media Sentiment and IPO Underpricing
- Schaer R. (2017) Definitional arguments in children's speech
- Palmieri R., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2016) Predictions in economic-financial news: Author’s stance and argumentative loci
- Palmieri R., Mazzali Lurati S. (2016) Multiple audiences as text stakeholders. A conceptual framework for analyzing complex rhetorical situations
- Bigi S., Pollaroli C. (2016) La costruzione delle preferenze dei consumatori: il concetto di ‘natura’ nei messaggi pubblicitari di prodotti alimentari
- Greco S. (2016) Analysing multiple addressivity in research interviews: A methodological suggestion from argumentation theory
- Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2015) The argumentative relevance of pictorial and multimodal metaphor in advertising
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2015) Activity-bound and activity-unbound arguments in response to parental eat-directives at mealtimes: Differences and similarities in children of 3-5 and 6-9 years old
- Palmieri R., Rocci A., Kudrautsava N. (2015) Argumentation in Earnings Conference Calls. Corporate standpoints and analysts’ challenges.
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2015) Beyond conflicts. Origin and types of issues leading to argumentative discussions during family mealtimes
- Bova A. (2015) “This is the cheese bought by Grandpa”. A study of the arguments from authority used by parents with their children during mealtimes
- Bova A. (2015) Favoring argumentative disciplinary discussions in the classroom. A study of teacher's questions at undergraduate and graduate level
- Bova A. (2015) Adult as a source of expert opinion in child’s argumentation during family mealtime conversations
- Bova A. (2015) Promoting learning and development of students through argumentative interactions in the classroom. A study of the teacher’s questions in the learning contexts of higher education
- Bova A. (2015) Children's responses in argumentative discussions relating to parental rules and prescriptions
- Xenitidou M., Greco S. (2014) Parental discourse and identity management in the talk of indigenous and migrant speakers
- Palmieri R., Rigotti E. (2014) Suspicion as an argumentative move. Semantic analysis of a pivotal concept in banks' anti-money laundering argumentative activities
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2014) “You must eat the salad because it is nutritious”. Argumentative strategies adopted by parents and children in food-related discussions at mealtimes
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2014) Types of arguments in parents-children discussions: An argumentative analysis
- Greco S., Zittoun T. (2014) The trajectory of food as a symbolic resource for international migrants
- Greco S. (2013) Multivoiced decisions. A study of migrants’ inner dialogue and its connection to social argumentation
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2013) Investigating children’s Why-questions. A study comparing argumentative and explanatory function
- De Ascaniis S., Gretzel U. (2013) Communicative functions of Online Travel Review titles. A pragmatic and linguistic investigation of destination and attraction OTR titles
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2013) Invoking the authority of feelings as a strategic maneuver in family mealtime conversations
- Greco S. (2012) Learning as a precondition of migrants’ interest and engagement
- Bigi S., Greco S. (2012) Keywords, frames and the reconstruction of material starting points in argumentation
- Greco S. (2012) Contextual frames and their argumentative implications: a case-study in media argumentation
- Palmieri R. (2012) « Acte de Dieu » ou « Erreur humaine » ? – Analyse argumentative du débat relative à la crise de l’automobile de Détroit (2008)
- Rocci A. (2012) Modality and argumentative discourse relations: a study of the Italian necessity modal dovere
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2011) Genere e portatori di interesse: due nozioni-chiave per la scrittura nelle organizzazioni
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) I want to talk but it's not possible! Dinnertime argumentation in Swiss and Italian families
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) Argumentative strategies for conflict management and resolution in Italian and Swiss families
- Bova A. (2011) Functions of Why Questions Used by Children in Family Conversations
- Greco S. (2010) Dialogue-in-process. Review of Frans H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (eds.), Pondering on Problems of Argumentation
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2010) Comparing the Argumentum Model of Topics to Other Contemporary Approaches to Argument Schemes: The Procedural and Material Components
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2010) Unravelling the mechanisms of multimodal multiplication. - Review article of Bateman, J. (2008): Multimodality and Genre. A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents
- Rocci A. (2010) Modals as lexical indicators of argumentation, A study of Italian economic-financial news
- Christopher S., Antonini F., Bersani C., Moretti B. (2009) Un curriculum minimo per un primo contatto con l'italiano
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2009) Subjects and reading strategies in hypermedia: the re-emergence of the author
- Christopher S., Antonini F., Moretti B. (2009) Competenze differenziate: un curriculum minimo d'italiano
- Rocci A., Monteiro Wariss M. (2009) Cultural keywords in arguments. The case of interactivity
- Filimon I. (2009) Kyosei - an example of cultural keyword argumentatively exploited in corporate reporting discourse
- Lepori B., Rocci A. (2009) Reasonableness in grant proposal writing
- van Eemeren F., Greco S., Grossen M., Perret-Clermont A., Rigotti E. (2009) Argupolis: A doctoral program on argumentation practices in different communication contexts
- Christopher S., Bernasconi L., Lucini D., Moretti B., Pettenati F. (2009) Per una nuova posizione dell'italiano nel quadrilinguismo elvetico. Strumenti e strategie per l'elaborazione di un curriculum minimo di italiano
- Palmieri R. (2009) Regaining trust through argumentation in the context of the current financial-economic crisis
- Bova A. (2009) (Book Review) Argumenter en classe de sciences. C. Buty and C. Plantin (Eds.)
- Rigotti E. (2008) Locus a causa finali
- Rocci A. (2008) Modality and its conversational backgrounds in the reconstruction of argumentation
- Greco S. (2008) The ontology of conflict
- Palmieri R. (2008) Reconstructing Argumentative Interactions in M&A offers
- Palmieri R. (2008) Argumentative dialogues in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As): evidence from investors and analysts conference calls
- Christopher S. (2008) Themen, Thesen und Argumente zur Position des Italienischen in der viersprachigen Schweiz
- Cottier B., Palmieri R. (2008) From trust to betrayal
- Rocci A. (2007) Le modal italien dovere au conditionnel: évidentialité et contraintes sur l'inférence des relations de discours argumentatives
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2007) Here is the author! Hyperlinks as constitutive rules of hypertextual communication
- Mazzali Lurati S., Rigotti E. (2007) Compte rendu de l'ouvrage: Uspenskij, B.A. (2007). Ego Loquens. Jazyk i kommunikacionnoe prostranstvo. [La langue et l'espace communicatif], Moskva: RGGU
- Rocci A. (2007) Modalità: lo sguardo sull'enunciato
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2007) Understanding literary texts by seeing. Images in hypertextual transpositions
- Schulz P., Brinberg D., Haes J. (2006) More than Nation and Knowledge: Cultural Micro-variation and Organ Donation in Switzerland
- Schulz P., Nakamoto K. (2006) Emerging Themes in Health Literacy
- DE SAUSSURE L., Schulz P. (2006) Pragmatic Interfaces
- Greco S. (2006) Comments on strategic manoeuvring: a synthetic recapitulation
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Towards a definition of communication context
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2006) Knowledge through hypermedial applications. A semiotic approach to new media
- Rocci A. (2006) Pragmatic inference and argumentation in intercultural communication
- Rigotti E. (2006) Relevance of Context-bound loci to Topical Potential in the Argumentation Stage
- Rocci A. (2005) Connective predicates in dialogic and monologic argumentation
- Greco S. (2005) Der kommunikative Bestandteil der mediatorischen Kompetenz
- Mazzali Lurati S., Schulz P. (2004) A semiotic approach to new media for literary studies. New conditions for the act of reading?
- (2004) Diagnosis as a Case of Speech Act
- Rocci A., Armani J. (2004) Conceptual Maps in e-learning. How map based interfaces help the contextualization of information and the structuring of knowledge
- Schulz P. (2003) "Representation of Reading Strategies in Hypermedia"
- Greco S. (2003) When presupposing becomes dangerous. How the procedure of presuppositional accommodation can be exploited in manipulative discourses
- Rocci A., Armani J., Botturi L. (2003) SWISSLING: an e-learning linguistics net-work in the making. Motivations, results, and outlook
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2003) Literature and hypertext: the reading act of literary works in hypertextual transpositions
- Mazzali Lurati S., Schulz P. (2003) The actualization of reading strategies in hypermedia
- Cantoni L., Schulz P. (2003) New Media in Education
- Guldin R., MOULAKIS A. (2003) Intercultural Communication, Self-Consciousness, Translation and Mutual Understanding
- Guldin R. (2002) The Dis-membered Body: Bodily Fragmentation as a Metaphor for Political Renewal
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2002) Review of: Hockey, S. (2000): Electronic Texts in the Humanities
- (2001) xxx
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2001) Compte rendu de l'ouvrage: Lobin, H. (Hrsg.) (1999). Text im digitalen Medium. Linguistische Aspekte von Textdesign, Texttechnologie und Hypertext Engineering, Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2001) Sens - non-sens - contresens
- Rocci A. (2000) L´interprétation épistémique du futur en italien et en fançais: une analyse procédurale
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2000) Clemente Rebora, poeta mistico.
- Lurati S. (2000) Clemente Rebora, poeta mistico
- Rocci A. (1997) Inferenza ed enunciazione nella semantica dei modali
- Rocci A. (1996) Funzioni comunicative della posizione dell´aggettivo in italiano
- Viroli M. (1994) L'etica politica ciceroniana e il suo significato moderno
Libro (30)
- Jacquin J., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2023) Epistemic and evidential markers in contexts of disagreement. Virtual Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics
- Oswald S., Lewiński M., Greco S., Villata S. (2022) The pandemic of argumentation
- van Eemeren F., Garssen B., Greco S., van Haaften T., Labrie N., Leal F., Wu P. (2022) Argumentative Style: A pragma-dialectical study of functional variety in argumentative discourse.
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning
- Greco S. (2020) Dal conflitto al dialogo: Un approccio comunicativo alla mediazione
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2019) Inference in argumentation: A topics-based approach to argument schemes
- Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Greco S., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2019) Rhetoric and Language: Emotions and Style in Argumentative Discourse
- Danesi M., Greco S. (2016) Case studies in Discourse Analysis
- Rocci A., Palmieri R., Gautier L. (2015) Text and discourse analysis in financial communication.
- Palmieri R. (2014) Corporate argumentation in takeover bids
- Greco S. (2011) Argumentation in dispute mediation: A reasonable way to handle conflict
- Rocci A., Duchêne A., Gnach A., Stotz D. (2010) Sociétés en mutation: les défis méthodologiques de la linguistique appliquée
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2009) Argumentative processes and communication contexts
- Danesi M., Rocci A. (2009) Global Linguistics: An Introduction
- Guldin R. (2006) Die Sprache des Himmels. Eine Geschichte der Wolken
- Guldin R. (2005) Philosophieren zwischen den Sprachen. Vilém Flussers Werk
- Rocci A. (2005) La modalità epistemica tra semantica e argomentazione
- Saussure L., Schulz P. (2005) Manipulation and Ideologies in the Twentieth Century
- Dascal M., van Emeren F., Rigotti E., STATI S., Rocci A. (2005) Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction
- Schulz P., De Saussure L. (2004) New Perspectives on Manipulation and Ideologies
- Guldin R. (2004) Das Spiel mit der Übersetzung. Figuren der Mehrsprachigkeit im Werk Vilém Flussers
- Rigotti E., Cigada S. (2004) La comunicazione verbale
- Giacalone R., Rocci A., Rigotti E. (2003) Linguistica e nuove professioni
- Bettetini G., CIGADA S., Raynaud S., Rigotti E. (2003) Semiotica II: Configurazione disciplinare e questioni contemporanee
- Flueckiger F., Jutz C., Cantoni L. (2002) 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments - ICNEE [Lugano, Switzerland - May 8-11, 2002]
- Flückiger F., Jutz C., Cantoni L. (2002) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Educational Environment
- Guldin R. (2000) Körpermetaphern. Zum Verhältnis von Politik und Medizin
- (2000) Letture di semiotica
- Schulz P. (2000) Freundschaft und Selbstliebe bei Platon und Aristoteles. Semantische Studien zur Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität
- Bettetini G., CIGADA S., Fumagalli S., Raynaud S., Rigotti E. (1999) Semiotica I: Origini e fondamenti teorci
Recensione (11)
- Greco S. (2021) Review of the volume: Emanuele Brambilla (2020). The quest for argumentative equivalence. Argumentative patterns in political interpreting contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Greco S. (2018) Frans H. van Eemeren and A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans: Argumentation: Analysis and Evaluation
- Greco S. (2017) Sophie Lambolez. « Dites donc il fonctionne pas ce machin. » Regard sur le support informatique.
- Greco S. (2017) . H. van Eemeren, B. Garssen (Eds.): Reflections on theoretical issues in argumentation theory
- Schaer R. (2016) SABINE CHRISTOPHER, I flussi comunicativi in un contesto istituzionale universitario plurilingue. Analisi del campo d’interazione accademico illustrata dal case study dell’Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Bellinzona, Osservatorio Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana, 2015
- Schaer R. (2015) Political Argumentation in the United States. David Zarefsky. Argumentation in Context 7. John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2014.
- Greco S. (2015) Book review of the volume: L’intersubjectivité en questions: Agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie?, C. Moro, N. Muller Mirza, P. Roman (Eds.), Antipodes, Lausanne, 2014.
- Palmieri R. (2015) "Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli: Rhetoric in financial discourse. A linguistic analysis of ICT-mediated disclosure genres. 2013. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication, Volume 26, 212 pp." Journal of Argumentation in Context (forthcoming).
- Greco S. (2012) Strategic manoeuvring in institutionalised public discourse
- Greco S. (2010) Communicating and arguing in transition
- Greco S. (2005) Dascal on interpretation and understanding
Contributo in libro (62)
- Pierre E., De Cock B. (2023) Discourse participants in impersonal constructions: The case of first and second person object pronouns with Spanish non-anaphoric third person plural subjects
- Dendale P., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2023) On inferential evidentiality: is ‘evidential’ inference abductive?
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Carlevaro A. (2023) Deutsch-italienischer Sprachkontakt in der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert: Schweizerische Italienischlehrbücher als Zeitzeugnisse
- Greco S., Mazzali Lurati S. (2021) Rhetoric
- Lepori B., Greco S. (2020) Grant proposal writing as a dialogic process
- Perret-Clermont A., Schaer R., Greco S., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Rocci A. (2019) Shifting from a monological to a dialogical perspective on children’s argumentation: Lessons learned.
- Wildfeuer J., Pollaroli C. (2018) Seeing the untold. Multimodal Argumentative Strategies in Movie Trailers
- Tribastone M., Greco S. (2018) Framing in News Discourse: The Case of the Charlie Hebdo Attack
- Christopher S. (2016) Activity types and language choice in the multilingual university
- Greco S. (2016) Framing and reframing in dispute mediation: An argumentative perspective
- Greco S. (2016) L’analisi semantica come strumento per l’argomentazione giuridica
- Rigotti E., Palmieri R. (2016) Solomon's Wise Judgment: A Case Study of Argumentation in Context
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2016) Blending metaphors and arguments in advertising
- Perret-Clermont A., Arcidiacono F., Breux S., Greco S., Miserez-Caperos C. (2015) Knowledge-oriented argumentation in children
- Marzin P., Buty C., Julien R., Greco S. (2015) Modélisation de l'argumentation d'élèves lors de l'utilisation d'un environnement informatique pour l'apprentissage des sciences
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A., Miserez C. (2015) L'argumentation à visee cognitive chez les enfants. Une étude exploratoire sur les dynamiques argumentatives et psychosociales
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2015) A Study of the Arguments Used by Undergraduate and Graduate Students During Disciplinary Discussions in the Classroom
- Greco S. (2015) Argumentation from analogy in migrants' decisions
- Greco S., Morasso C. (2014) Argumentation from expert opinion in science journalism: The case of Eureka’s Fight Club
- Mazzali Lurati S., Schulz P. (2014) Attention in context: from Ancient rhetoric to contemporary communication sciences
- Gobber G., Palmieri R. (2014) Argumentation in institutional founding documents. The case of Switzerland’s Foedus Pactum
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2014) A pragma-semiotic analysis of advertisements as multimodal texts: a case study
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2013) Stakeholders in promotional genres. A rhetorical perspective on marketing communication
- Rocci A., Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2013) Is this the Italy we like? Multimodal argumentation in a Fiat Panda TV commercial
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2013) Argumentation among family members in Italy and Switzerland: A cross-cultural perspective
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A., Zlatkova G. (2012) L'argumentation dans la presse économique et financière italienne
- Palmieri R. (2012) The diversifying of contextual constraints and argumentative strategies in friendly and hostile takeover bids
- Palmieri R., Palmieri C. (2012) Text types, activity types and the genre system of financial communication
- Rocci A. (2012) Discourse Theory
- Rigotti E., Palmieri R. (2010) Analyzing and evaluating complex argumentation in an economic-financial context
- Rocci A. (2009) Modalities as Indicators in Argumentative Reconstruction
- Rocci A. (2009) Manoeuvring with voices: The polyphonic framing of arguments in an institutional advertisement
- Rigotti E. (2009) Whether and how Classical Topics can be Revived within Contemporary Argumentation Theory
- Rigotti E. (2009) Gli agganci *forici nella struttura dei connettivi testuali
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2009) Argumentation as an object of interest and as a social and cultural resource
- Rocci A. (2009) Doing discourse analysis with possible worlds
- Rocci A. (2008) Analysing and evaluating persuasive media discourse in context.
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Le signe linguistique comme structure intermédiaire
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Greco S. (2006) The semantics of reasonableness
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Tema-rema e connettivo: la congruità semantico-pragmatica del testo
- Guldin R. (2005) Windschiffe: Die Wolke als Fahrzeug und Bühnenrequisit
- Rigotti E. (2005) Plurilinguismo e unità culturale in Europa
- Cantoni L., Mazzali Lurati S. (2005) Photography, semiotics of, in Keith Brown (ed.), ELL - Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics
- Rocci A. (2005) Epistemic Readings of Modal Verbs in Italian: the relationship between propositionality, theme-rheme articulation an inferential discourse relations
- Schulz P. (2005) "Being in accordance with oneself: Self-Controversy in Plato and Aristotle."
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Communication: semiotic approaches to
- Rigotti E. (2005) Towards a typology of manipulative processes´. In: L. de Saussure & P. Schulz (eds.) New Perspectives on Manipulative and Ideological Discourse in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis. ´Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture
- Rocci A. (2005) Are Manipulative Texts Coherent? Manipulation, presuppositions, and (in-)congruity
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2005) Denotation vs Connotation
- Guldin R. (2004) Translation, Self-Translation, Retranslation. Exploring Vilém Flusser´s Multilingual Writing-Practice
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2004) From argument analysis to cultural keywords (and back again)
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2003) Categorie nascoste in prospettiva interlinguistica
- Schulz P. (2003) Gibt es eine kopernikanische Wende im Begriff des ´summum bonum´? Zur Wirkung von Kants praktischer Metaphysik im angelsdchsischen Raum, in: N. Fischer (ed.): Kants Metaphysik und Religionsphilosophie
- Rocci A., Armani J. (2003) Le mappe concettuali come strategia di contestualizzazione nell´e-learning. Il caso di SWISSLING
- Rocci A. (2003) Testualità
- Schulz P. (2003) "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Ethik der Normalitdt des Fremden". In: H. Hunfeld (ed.): Fremdes verstehen
- Guldin R. (2002) Traduzir-se e retraduzirse
- Schulz P. (2000) Einführung in Leben und Werk von Semen L. Frank
- Rigotti E. (2000) On Semiosis, Human Freedom and Education. Semiosis versus inference and deixis, In: P. Colilli, M. Danesi, P. Perron, D. Santeramo (eds.), Semiotics as a Bridge between the Humanities and Sciences
- (2000) a Semiotic Point of View, in Semiotics
- (2000) Realism'- a Controversial Concept of Phenomenology and Scholastic!e, in Stefano Besoli (ed.), Il realismo fenomenologico
- (2000) Antike und moderne Erziehungsmodelle und ihre sozialphilosophischen Implikationen, in H.R. Sepp (ed.), Bildungstheorie und Philosophie des Politischen
Rapporto tecnico (1)
Working paper (8)
- Palmieri R., Dillena G. (2014) Il sospetto: anticamera della verità o catastrofe della fiducia. LACoPS Working Papers, 1/2014. Lugano: USI
- Schulz P., Hartung U., Fiordelli M., Toti B. (2006) Rauchverbot in öffentlichen Räumen
- Maag D., Schulz P. (2005) Denkanstösse für ein Rahmenkonzept zu Health Literacy
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Arrigo O. (2004) La comunicazione scolastica fra razionalità e ragionevolezza
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2004) Intercultural communication: a linguistic and argumentative approach
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Arrigo O. (2003) Comunicazione verbale e argomentazione nell´istituzione scolastica
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Tardini S. (2003) Argumentieren in der Bank / Argumenter dans la banque
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2001) Semiotica I - Dispensa del corso di Boris A. Uspenskij
Atti di conferenza (42)
- Palmieri R., Mazzali Lurati S. (2016) Practical argumentation and multiple audience in policy proposals
- Bova A. (2015) A study of undergraduate and graduate students' argumentation in learning contexts of higher education
- Pollaroli C. (2012) Tropos y topoi: los esquemas argumentativos en los anuncios publicitarios
- Bova A. (2012) Communicative functions of Why-questions in parent-child interaction at home
- Rocci A. (2011) The Italian modal dovere in the conditional: future reference, evidentiality and argumentation
- Bova A. (2011) Implicitness functions in family argumentation
- Filimon I. (2011) Argumentative valences of the key-phrase "value creation"
- Greco S. (2011) International mobility and personal development: the experience of migrating mothers in London
- De Ascaniis S., Greco S. (2011) When tourists give their reasons on the web. The argumentative significance of tourism related UGC
- Palmieri R. (2011) Situational constraints on argumentation in the context of takeover proposals
- Palmieri R., Palmieri C. (2010) Text types and activity types in the financial context: an argumentation perspective
- Christopher S. (2010) Mehrsprachigkeit im universitären Kontext: der Fall Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
- Rigotti E. (2010) Tradition and innovation in Agricola's De Dialectica Inventione
- Christopher S., Bernasconi L., Lucini D., Pettenati F. (2009) Per una nuova posizione dell'italiano nel quadrilinguismo elvetico. Strumenti e strategie per l'elaborazione di un curriculum minimo di italiano: Un progetto del PNR 56
- Rocci A. (2009) Per un'analisi semantica del connettore testuale in realtà.
- Bova A. (2009) Interpretation of Psychological Concepts in Wittgenstein
- Palmieri R. (2008) Argumentative dialogues in corporate Mergers & Acquisitions: evidence from analysts conference calls
- Rigotti E. (2007) Can classical topics be revived within the contemporary theory of argumentation?
- Greco S. (2007) The Covert Argumentativity of Mediation: Developing Argumentation through Asking Questions
- Borrat-Besson C., Fiordelli M., Schulz P., Hartung U. (2007) Investigate population values concerning smoking ban
- Fiordelli M., Toti B., Schulz P., Hartung U. (2006) Shifting between freedom and regulation: public opinion concerning smoking ban in Tessin
- Rocci A. (2006) Modality and its conversational backgrounds in the reconstruction of argumentation
- Greco S. (2005) The intercultural mediator: personal qualities and communicative skills
- Mazzali Lurati S., Schulz P., Bolchini D. (2004) Coherence in Websites: a Semiotic Framework of Understanding
- Schulz P. (2004) "Argumentation in Practitioner-Patient communication"
- Rocci A. (2004) Epistemic modality and questions in dialogue. The case of the Italian interrogative constructions in the subjunctive mood and the "epistemic" future tense
- Tardini S., Burch I., Hiltscher S. (2004) When Old Languages Go Online: Latinum electronicum, a Latin Course on the Web
- Schulz P. (2003) "Presupposing argumentation in doctor-patient argumentation"
- Rigotti E. (2003) "La linguistica tra le scienze della comunicazione". In: A. Giacalone Ramat, E. Rigotti & A. Rocci, (eds.), Linguistica e nuove professioni, "Materiali linguistici dell'Università di Pavia"
- Rocci A. (2003) SWISSLING: background, design choices and blended learning scenarios
- Tardini S. (2003) Keywords as passwords to communities
- (2002) Know-how
- Schulz P. (2002) "from semiosis"
- Armani J., Botturi L., Rocci A. (2002) Maps as Learning Tools: the SWISSLING Solution
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2002) Literature and new technologies: the "Reading poetry" case study
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2002) From argument analysis to cultural keywords (and back again)
- (2001) "The modern self and its spatial rappresentation"
- Guldin R., Rigotti F. (2001) Mehrsprachigkeit und Übersetzung. Vilém Flusser, Philosoph des Vielfältigen
- Rocci A. (2000) L´antéposition de l´épithète en italien: valeurs sémantiques et argumentatives
- Rigotti E., Cigada S. (1999) Rhetoric and Argumentation
- Rigotti E. (1999) The Enthymeme as a Rhetorical Device and as a Textual Process, In: E. Rigotti & S. Cigada (eds.), Rhetoric and Argumentation
- Rigotti E. (1998) Zur Rolle der plstis in der Kommunication, In: S. Cmejrkov`, J. Hoffmannov`, O. M|llerov` and J. Svetl` (eds.), Dialoganalyse VI. Referate der 6. Arbeitstagung
Relazione in convegno scientifico (100)
- Greco S. (2022) Building spaces for argumentative dialogue to resolve conflict in interpersonal communication.
- Greco S. (2020) Reconstructing children's (implicit) inferences
- Greco S., Convertini J., Perret-Clermont A., Iannaccone A. (2019) (Un)expected arguments? An analysis of children’s contributions to argumentative discussions in contexts pre-designed by adults
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Common Ground and Degrees in Formality: Insights for Communication Research on Third Party Facilitation
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Degrees of Formality: Insights for (Argumentation) Research on Mediated Workplace Conflicts
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Mediator Proximity: Insights for Communication on Facilitated Conflict
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Underlying Theoretical Principles of "Common Ground and Conflict Mediation"
- van Bijnen E. (2019) Proximity and Material Starting Points: Insights for Research on Argumentation in Facilitated Conflict Resolution
- Perret-Clermont A., Schaer R., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Greco S., Rocci A. (2018) A contribution from Argumentation Theory to the study of young children's reasoning in play activities
- van Bijnen E., Bakker M., Greco S., Maarten B. (2018) The Questions That Set Up the Opening Stage in Conflict Mediation
- Jermini C., Greco S. (2018) Dispute mediators' reframing as argumentative competence
- Pollaroli C. (2018) The discovery of a functional genus as a premise. Cases of multimodal metaphors
- Pollaroli C., Bonelli L. (2018) Argumentation about multimodal argumentation
- Greco S. (2018) Argumentationstheorie
- Rocci A., Greco S., Schaer R., Convertini J., Perret-Clermont A., Iannaccone A. (2018) The significance of the adversative connectives ‘aber’, ‘mais’, ‘ma’ (‘but’) as indicators in young children’s argumentation.
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C., Marcantonio D. (2018) The rhetorical and argumentative relevance of ‘extreme consequence’ in advertising
- Greco S. (2018) Conflict and emotions in interpersonal communication: A discursive analytical perspective
- Zampa M., Pollaroli C. (2017) Out of the frying pan into the fire: an attempt to redesign the “Fertility Day” campaign in Italy
- Lombardi E., Greco S., Schaer R., Manzi F., Iannaccone A., Perret-Clermont A., Massaro D., Marchetti A. (2017) Good arguments for wrong answers: a different point of view on 2nd order false belief task children’s justification
- Pollaroli C. (2017) An integrated method for the analysis of multimodal tropes and their argumentative-rhetorical function
- Greco S., Schaer R., Perret-Clermont A., Iannaccone A. (2017) Argumentation as a dialogic interaction in everyday talk: Adults and children "playing by the rules" in board game play
- Greco S. (2017) Les “voix” qui construisent le contexte de l’interaction dans la médiation de conflits
- Schaer R. (2017) On the negotiation of the issue in discussions among small children and their parents
- Zampa M., Pollaroli C. (2017) With the best intentions and the worst arguments: The “Fertility Day” campaign in Italy
- van Bijnen E. (2017) Formality and Proximity: A Preliminary Categorization System Beneficial for Starting Point Analysis in Conflict Mediation
- Schaer R., Greco S. (2016) The emergence of issues in everyday discussions between adults and children
- Pollaroli C. (2016) The discovery of a functional genus: when metaphors fulfill an argumentative inferential function
- Bova A. (2015) Favoring argumentative discussions in the classroom. A study of teacher's questions at undergraduate and graduate level
- Greco S. (2015) L’enfant dans la discussion : questions de légitimité, de confiance et d’interprétation de sa parole
- Greco S. (2015) L’enfant dans la discussion : questions de légitimité, de confiance et d’interprétation de sa parole
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C., De Ascaniis S. (2015) Believe me! I tell you and I show you: you must go! Connective pragmatic predicates in multimodal argumentative reviews for the Great Cathedral and Mosque in Cordoba
- Bigi S., Pollaroli C. (2015) La costruzione delle preferenze dei consumatori: il concetto di ‘natura’ nei messaggi pubblicitari di prodotti alimentari
- Pollaroli C. (2015) Multimodal metaphors in advertising: do they condense arguments from analogy?
- Bova A. (2015) Implicits in children’s socialization
- Galimberti C., Brivio E., Gatti F., Bova A. (2015) eHealth coaching as dialogue
- Bova A. (2015) Distinguishing the argumentative and explanatory functions of children’s Why-questions
- Bova A. (2015) Argumentative strategies used during disciplinary discussions in the classroom. A study comparing undergraduate and graduate students in Developmental Psychology
- Greco S. (2015) Interconnected argument schemes in individual decision-making
- Pollaroli C. (2014) Multimodal argumentation in print advertisements: the case of The Economist
- Greco S. (2014) Argumentation from analogy in migrants' decisions
- Bova A. (2014) Argumentation in the learning contexts of higher education. Comparing undergraduate and graduate classes in Psychology
- Bova A. (2014) Argumentation practices in the classroom. A study comparing undergraduate and graduate students in Developmental Psychology
- Greco S. (2014) Identities in dialogue. Realignment of participants, interviewer and absent voices in research interviews to migrating mothers
- Pollaroli C. (2013) The relationship between tropes and topoi in the multimodal argumentation of advertisements
- Filimon I. (2013) "Dialogue" as a keyword of corporate communication
- Bova A. (2013) Function of argumentative interactions between parents and children
- Filimon I. (2012) Key-words and key-icons in CSR reporting
- Pollaroli C. (2012) T(r)opical patterns in advertising
- Zaiontz C., Bova A., Sayre J. (2012) The Venosta Transcultural Clinical Protocol for culture sensitive therapeutic settings
- Bova A. (2012) Linguistic indicators triggering argumentative discussions in family conversations
- Bova A. (2012) Argumentative and explanatory functions of children’s Why-questions
- Mazzali Lurati S., Filimon I., Pollaroli C. (2012) Genre and officium in multimodality: A rhetorical perspective on annual reports.
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2012) Convincing thorugh modes: how multimodal argumentation works in TV commercials
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2012) Stakeholders in promotional genres. A rhetorical perspective on marketing communication
- Bova A. (2011) Functions of Why Questions Used by Children in Family Conversations
- Greco S., Morasso C. (2011) Argumentation from expert opinion in media-based scientific debate
- Bova A. (2011) Communicative Functions of Why Questions in Parent-Child Interaction at Home
- Filimon I. (2011) Keywords in the two-sided rhetorical strategies of the letters to stakeholders
- Palmieri R. (2011) Argumenter la crise: « acte de Dieu » ou « acte humain »? Responsabilité managériale et catastrophe économique dans le débat sur l'aide financière publique aux "Big 3" de Detroit.
- Filimon I. (2011) The persuasiveness of two-sided messages in corporate reporting
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2011) A pragma-semiotic analysis of ads as multimodal texts
- Greco S. (2011) Migrating mothers' inner dialogue: A discourse analytical approach to settlement in a new country
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) Argumentative strategies for conflict management and resolution in Italian and Swiss families
- Filimon I. (2011) Keywords in corporate reporting discourse
- Greco S. (2010) Argumentative implications of time in media discourse: a case study
- Bova A. (2010) Is the family dinner a context fit for argumentation? X-Ray of a family activity
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2010) A cross-cultural perspective in studying argumentation: dinnertime interactions among adults and children in Italian and Swiss families
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2010) Families in transition during their everyday interactions: the role of the context in the reconstruction of argumentation among parents and children
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2010) How context affects argumentative moves: Methodological reflection on the analysis of contextualized argumentation
- Ambrosi Zaiontz C., Bova A., Arduini A., Fungi G. (2010) Symposium - Transcultural therapeutic setting: new culture-sensitive protocols and guidelines for the effective treatment of culturally diverse patients
- Filimon I. (2010) Argumentative valences of the key-phrase 'value-creation' in corporate reporting
- Bova A. (2010) The role of argumentation in families with young children
- Ambrosi Zaiontz C., Arduini A., Bova A., Buren D., Fungi G. (2010) Rafforzamento dell'Io dei pazienti attraverso la somministrazione di un Protocollo Clinico Transculturale
- Bova A. (2010) Different Types of Why Questions During Family Conversations
- Ambrosi Zaiontz C., Arduini A., Bova A., Buren D., Fungi G. (2010) Enhancing Patients' Empowerment through the Administration of a Transcultural Clinical Protocol
- Bova A. (2009) Argumentation as reasonable alternative to conflict in family context
- Bova A. (2009) Interpretation of Psychological Concepts in Wittgenstein
- Christopher S. (2009) Multilingual communication in the academic context. Università della Svizzera italiana (USI): a case study
- Greco S. (2009) La mediazione come dialogo ragionevole
- Bova A. (2009) Pragmalinguistic analysis of intercomprehension between therapist and patient
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2008) Financial News between Narrative and Prediction
- Christopher S. (2008) Mehrsprachigkeit an der Università della Svizzera italiana: Italienisch-Kompetenzen erstsemestriger Studierender nicht-italienischer Erstsprache
- Palmieri R. (2008) Argumentative discourses in M&As: the Vodafone-Mannesmann Takeover
- Catania G., Folliero E., Bova A., Costi E. (2008) Modifiche al protocollo terapeutico cognitivo comportamentale "Andrews" per il trattamento del disturbo da agorafobia con attacchi di panico
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Forecast
- Rocci A. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Forecast
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Prediction
- Bigi S., Cigada S., Gobber G., Greco S. (2007) Cosa succede durante una consultazione medica? "Esame obiettivo" di una consultazione medico-paziente
- Schulz P., Hartung U. (2007) What to Eat in the Land of Cheese and Chocolate: A Content Analysis of Swiss Print Media Messages on Healthy Food, Exercise and Body Wight
- Christopher S., Bernasconi L. (2007) Per una nuova posizione dell'italiano nel quadrilinguismo elvetico. Strumenti e strategie per l'elaborazione di un curriculum minimo di italiano
- Christopher S., Bernasconi L., Lucini D., Moretti B., Pettenati F. (2007) Per una nuova posizione dell'italiano nel quadrilinguismo elvetico. Strumenti e strategie per l'elaborazione di un curriculum minimo di italiano
- (2005) La mediazione interculturale: gestione delle diversità attraverso la mediazione
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Conferenza: "Il contributo del mediatore alla comunicazione interculturale"
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) The argumentative strength of mediation as a communicative practice
- Guldin R. (2004) Derrida and Flusser. On the Concept of Writing and the End of Linearity
- Waldburger-Crivelli B., Osimani B., Schulz P. (2003) Patient´s information lack on antibiotics: Preliminary data
- Guldin R. (2003) Das Übersetzungsspiel: Zur kulturkritischen Dimension von Vilém Flussers mehrsprachigem Denkspiel
- Waldburger-Crivelli B. (2003) Diagnosis as a case of speech act
- Waldburger-Crivelli B., Osimani B., Schulz P. (2002) Towards a judicious use of antibiotics by doctors and patients
- Carassa A., Schulz P., Huerta A. (2000) The role of argumentation in health communication
Poster per conferenza (5)
- Jermini C. (2018) Reframing as Argumentative Competence in Dispute Mediation
- Schaer R. (2017) On the emergence of issues in adult-children discussions
- Greco S., Schaer R., Tardini S. (2016) Learning argumentation while playing with LEGO? An experimental project
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2012) Multimodalité et analyse du discours: l’exemple d’un publicité de presse
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2011) Blending metaphors and arguments in advertising.
Altra pubblicazione (46)
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Profazi N. (2023) Social interaction is among people. Legal, technical, and ethical explorations about personal information and its removal in talk-in-interaction as data
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Profazi N. (2023) Spoken corpora as open research data: the example of KIParla. Workshop report
- Greco S. (2021) L’argomentazione: Un processo di indagine della realtà?
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning
- Pollaroli C., Greco S., Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A. (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue
- Greco S. (2015) Argumentative dialogue
- Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2013) A vantaggi estremi, estrema creatività. Una caratteristica della pubblicità italiana
- Filimon I. (2012) Il potenziale persuasivo delle parole chiave. Uno studio sui report aziendali evidenzia rischi e strategie.
- Greco S., Barrett M. (2012) L'incontro interculturale
- Greco S. (2011) Feeling at home away from home: Migrants’ experience in London
- . (2011) Bibliografia sulla metafora
- Greco S. (2010) La médiation en tant que dialogue raisonnable
- Christopher S., Moretti B. (2009) Differenzierte Sprachkompetenzen: ein Minimal Curriculum in Italienisch.
- Christopher S. (2008) Book review: Giessen, Hans W.; Lüger, Heinz-Helmut & Volz, Günther (eds.) (2007). Michel Bréal Grenzüberschreitende Signaturen. Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2006) Topics: the argument generator
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Introducing Argumentation
- Haes J., Schulz P., Tomada A., Hartung U. (2005) Health Communication and Health Literacy in Europe
- Tomada A., Haes J., Schulz P. (2005) The Institutional Context of Organ Donation
- Schulz P., Haes J., Vergoni L., Tomada A. (2005) Organspende im Spiegel der Schweizer Medien
- Schulz P., Haes J., Tomada A. (2005) Wissen und Einstellung der Schweizer Bevölkerung zur Organspende
- Haes J., Schulz P., Tomada A., Malacrida R. (2005) Media Coverage of Organ Donation in Switzerland 1999 - 2003
- Christopher S. (2004) Book review: Sara Cigada, Silvia Gilardoni, Marinette Matthey (eds.), 2001. Communicating in Professional Multilingual Environment. Proceedings of the Conference in Lugano, 14th - 15th September 2000
- Haes J., Tomada A., Schulz P. (2004) Organ Donation and the Media: Insights from Switzerland
- Christopher S. (2004) Book review: Maria Chini (a c. di). Plurilinguismo e immigrazione in Italia. Un¿indagine sociolinguistica a Pavia e a Torino. Pavia: Materiali Linguistici Università di Pavia, Franco Angeli 2004.
- Guldin R. (2003) Irmcs em conflito: a tensa e proficua relaçco entre filosofia e literatura: Gustavo Bernardo Krause, A duvida de Flusser: filosofia e literatura
- Schulz P., Haes J. (2003) Raising Awareness of Organ Donation: Zum Zusammenwirken von Medien und interpersonaler Kommunikation
- Mazzali Lurati S. (2003) Reding Literary Texts in Hypermedial Applications. A Semiotic-Hermeneutic Approach to New Media for Literary Studies.
- Schulz P. (2003) "Egoismus versus Altruismus. Begründungsstrategien der neuzeitlichen Ethik"
- Guldin R. (2003) Von Kafka und postmoderner Städteplanung, zu A. Ströhl (Hg.), V. Flusser - Writings
- Rigotti E. (2003) Une université plurilingue: l´exemple de la Suisse italienne´. In : Langues et production du savoir: Assemblie annuelle de l´Acadimie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales, Université de la Suisse italienne, Lugano, 14 juin 2002
- Schulz P. (2003) Effetti mediatici sull´interazione medico-paziente
- Rigotti E., Wüest J., Rocci A., Zufferey J. (2003) Du texte au dialogue / Dal testo al dialogo
- Rigotti F., Guldin R. (2002) Tutto é artificiale naturalmente: Tra Brasile e Provenza, una fenomenologia della natura come costrutto mentale
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2002) Lessico e Morfologia, with the collaboration of M. Passarotti e C. Restivo
- Guldin R. (2002) Zum 10. Internationalen Vilém Flusser Symposium in Ascona
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2001) Fondamenti di Semiotica Verbale
- Guldin R. (2001) Springen nicht gleiten
- Rigotti F., Guldin R. (2000) Book Reviews: Vilém Flusser, Vogelflüge, Hanser, München 2000
- Rigotti F., Guldin R. (2000) Book Reviews: Briefe an Alex Bloch, Göttingen 2000
- Schulz P., Ehlen P., Lobkowicz N., Luks L. (2000) Collected Works of Simon L. Franks 8 Vol.
- Guldin R., Wingert B. (2000) Flusser in campagna / Flusser auf dem Lande
- Guldin R., Rigotti F. (1999) Flusser nella valigia
- Rigotti E. (1998) Ivan Ivanovih Mehaninov: un fonctionnalisme structurale post-marriste, In: P. Siriot, Epistimologie comparie de la linguistique : Europe de l´Est / Europe de l´Ouest dans les annies 1920-1930 : holisme et tiliologie;
- Schulz P., Fetz R., Hagenbichle R. (1998) The History of Modern Subjectivity (Geschichte und Vorgeschichte der modernen Subjektivitdt) 2 Vol
- Schulz P. (1996) Philosophical Anthropology. (Philosofskaja Anthropologija.)
- Schulz P. (1994) E. Steins Theorie der Person. Von der Bewu_tseinsphilosophie zur Geistmetaphysik
Contributo in atti di conferenza (6)
- Musi E., Palmieri R., Mercuri C., Giudici A., Maiden N., Hardman C., Borgo R. (2021) What Makes You Fupy (‘Food’ + ‘Happy’)? Leveraging Strategic Maneuvering to Build Food Coaching Apps
- Maniou E., Serafis D., Kondyli M. (2019) Κριτική μελέτη της γραμματικής μεταφοράς σε τίτλους εφημερίδων στο πλαίσιο της ελληνικής κρίσης [A critical study of the grammatical metaphor in newspapers headlines in the context of the Greek crisis]
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2017) Analysing implicit premises within children's argumentative inferences
- Schaer R. (2016) Uses of arguments from definition in children
- Greco S., Mehmeti T., Perret-Clermont A. (2016) Getting involved in an argumentation in class as a pragmatic move: Social conditions and affordances
- Greco S. (2016) Commentary on Janier, Aakhus, Budzynska and Reed’s Modeling argumentative activity in mediation with Inference Anchoring Theory: The case of impasse